Communication Officers and Media Experts Taking Training on Social Media

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Communication officers and media experts took training on the safe use of social media. 

The trainees selected from the federal and regional institutions attended the "Effective Communication for Great Ethiopia" training for four days.

The training covers the Narrative of Synergy and Ethiopia's Prosperity Journey, Public Relations Foundations, Agenda Formulation and Crisis Communication, Media Management and Speeches to the Public, Social Media Use and Security, and National Disaster Risk Reduction and the Role of Communication.

 Mr. Kebede Desissa, Minister d’état of Government Communication Services, said after the training session that building the capacity of professionals was a step toward improving the communication sector and budding national consensus. He urged the training that they should advance their knowledge-based use of social media.

The communication officers who attended the training stated that they obtained knowledge of social media usage and security. They also suggested providing continuous training in the future.

The Government Communication Service and the Ethiopian Press Organization cooperatively organized the training.